19-20 OCT 2024


The 2024 HESCO Zombie Invitational is located close to the Virginia – West Virginia state line. Directions and specifics are sent to you via email ONE WEEK before the event and only after your registration AND payment. We won’t provide a round count until ONE WEEK before the event. We do all of this to help keep you on your toes and make this fun and exciting. However,
for planning purposes, we are just west of Winchester, VA where just about everything is legal…except Zombies.

Our HQ will include facilities for camping for those of you interested in an overnight stay and who enjoy the camaraderie, realism and safety in numbers.

NOTE: Hotels and Motel lodging are available nearby, however those leaving the compound during the match could possibly encounter Zombies from the local environment. It should only take 35 minutes to reach the range from the facilities in Winchester, VA.